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Trouble, Sorry and Perfection - Building Better Family Ties One Game at a Time

Amy Jennison

We love games in our household! I will be the first to admit I was nervous to play the games that have become popular in recent years. Growing up I enjoyed a good game of Yahtzee, Payday or Mousetrap, but I didn't come from a ‘game family’. We were much more likely to socialize while watching TV or a movie. Even now you would be hard pressed to get my family around the table for a game. As a child I would have loved my parents to play endless hours of games with me. I can see now how resetting Mousetrap more than twice might be a little bit deterring. Nevertheless, in those younger years I envied my friend. Every Friday she had family game night! I thought this was a great idea. Pizza and games, that was the dream.

Fast forwarding 15 years and you would see my dream came back like a nightmare! God has quite the sense of humor. I started dating my husband, he was bright, sweet, thoughtful and a game lover. Even worse, his family loved games! They regularly gathered at his parents house for Sunday lunch and games. You would think I would be elated. My future was unfolding just as I had hoped, but these were not my games. No Monopoly. No Sorry. There were rules, pages and pages of rules! Strategy, not chance. Cards, dice, tiles, maps, coins and tokens. I was ready to bail on the relationship. I might have wanted game nights with my future husband, but not with his family. Not when my ability to build the right road, negotiate for resources and collect the most victory points was going to be what they judged me by. I realize they were not going to rate me and banish me from the family if I failed, but I didn't want to look stupid. I wanted to make a good impression and I wanted to feel comfortable. I wasn't. Games were intimidating. It took me a while to warm up to them and to these very social family gathering. The learning curve felt steep. Flashing forward, we are married, have two kids and my I've become grateful for the role games have played in our lives over the years. I have had a change of heart and love utilizing games as a means of socializing and building family bonds.

Despite my initial repulsion, I believe embracing board games is worth every up and down emotion you may experience. If you are feeling uneasy about playing board games as a family please consider some of the great benefits below.

1. Board Games TAKE time and MAKE time

I know this might seem like a con when your days are busy and you feel like you don’t have time to clear the table, but trust me it is worth it. The game industry is booming. You can find quick one's that can be played in as few as 5-10 minutes or those well beyond the hour mark. The options are endless. You can find something that will fit your families lifestyle. If you only have a few minutes this is a great way to carve out a set amount of time with your kids. It is amazing how they can be satisfied after playing a few quick rounds of their favorite game. You are taking time to fill their bucket, build your relationship and you even come out with a few mom minutes when your done. On the flip side you can choose a longer, more involved game to occupy those restless children on a rainy day. You would be amazed at how quick the afternoon goes when your having fun together. By the time you need to get dinner started you won’t feel guilty about letting them enjoy some screen time.

2. Board Games Create a Safe Space

The world around us is constantly changing and it is easy for families to be overworked and overwhelmed. These emotions can bleed into family life. Embracing the world of board games creates a unique environment that unifies a family. No matter what the pace of your home life you can find refuge in a party, card, strategy or cooperative game (there are far too many ‘types’ to list here). You can laugh, reduce stress and take risks without fear or added pressure. The beautiful thing is that your kids can too! Games can build confidence, relieve awkward tension and open the door for real conversations. The expectations from school, work or friends are forgotten, instead everyone can try new things, learn, risk, and chat freely with each other.

3. Board Games Form Family Memories

I am not going to lie, some games produce big emotions, creating big memories. I bet you can think of a few party games enjoyed with roommates or at an event (maybe a bachelorette) that left you with a great inside joke or story to tell. You can experience the same thing in your own home. Silly games can create silly moments. Taking things a step further, regular game play can create sentimental feelings. Deep rooted memories that your children and you will be able to cherish for years to come. Keep in mind that a family who wins or looses together will grow together. Taking time to spend together playing a board game can help build the heart warming memories you hope to look back on.

4. Board Games Connect Generations

Games are endearing. They can pull in skeptics and those that love to sit on the sidelines. As I mentioned my side of the family are not game people, but even still a good game of Five Crowns can pull Grandma in. She is a good sport and lets the children explain new games to her all the time. That's right the kids love to share their gaming knowledge with anyone who will listen. The other side of our family line are quick to pull games off the shelf. They provide a perfect way for aunts and uncles to break down walls with nervous nephews. The time spent playing together provides a great foundation for relationships to continue growing. Finding an activity that can be enjoyed by young and older individuals can be tough -- thank God for board games.

5. Board Games are Fun

There are games for everyone. You can find a style you love and you can find a style your kids love. Don’t be scared off like I was. I am not a fan of cooperative games. They have their place and my family loves them (just more than I do). You get to face a problem together and navigate scenarios. The possibilities are endless, but I am competitive. I want to win and I want to make my own choices without concern for the other players. You can find something that suits your fancy. There are classics and all kinds of new games. Everyone can enjoy themselves, whether they win, or lose when it is a game they love.

Still not sure you want to embrace the board game world. Check out my post Childs Play - 5 Building Blocks Board Games Give Your Children



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